Welcome to Day 9 in the challenge!! For anyone who is just tuning in, I am participating in the "31 Days of Blogging Challenge" hosted by Faith, Juliette, & Allie (Seriously, go check them out---they are fabulous ladies!!). So far I have covered everything from some of my guilty pleasures to some things that I would NEVER do here & here. What could beat that, you ask? How about an incredibly embarrassing poop story? Everyone loves those, right?
I am going to start out by saying that it takes A LOT to embarrass me. I am super clumsy and pretty much anything that can go wrong, will go wrong in my case, so I handle embarrassment fairly well. Running up the steps to catch a train? Of course my flip-flop would break and I would go flying forward, schoolbag over my head, causing a domino effect of people in front of and behind me. On a game show that will air on national TV? Yea, "colored textbook" sounds like a great answer!! (Yes, I was on a game show and no, I did not win...not even close...you can find the blog post all about it and the episode HERE).
With that being said, it is not completely impossible to embarrass me. There are a few things that even the most courageous, confident person can't handle. And this is one of them...
The year was 2002. I was just shy of turning 17 when I started dating my first ex; we will call him Blake. Blake came from a large family--he had 2 younger sisters and 4 younger brothers--all of whom lived with him & his parents. One night at the start of our relationship, Blake asked if I wanted to come over for dinner to meet his parents and siblings. Being that I was 16 and had never met anyone's family before, I was beyond nervous. I agreed, knowing that I would eventually have to get it over with, and off I went. The beginning of the evening was going good--nice family, easy conversation---and then it was time for dinner.....
One thing that I should mention is that I have the WORST stomach issues in the world. Seriously, not to divulge entirely TMI, but as soon as I eat something too oily, too greasy, too spicy, too creamy, too acidy (basically anything besides crackers) I am running for the bathroom. It is awful and painful and both of my sisters and my dad also have it...and the doctors have NO idea what it is...nice right? Anyway, I hadn't told Blake about the joys of my stomach yet, and I was hoping to make it through dinner and the rest of the night without needing a reason to tell him. Well about halfway through dinner I realized that I wasn't that lucky. (Remember when I said that anything that can go wrong, will?)
Luckily, the bathroom was upstairs and several rooms away from the kitchen, so I wasn't worried about his family hearing or smelling anything. After quickly finishing up in the bathroom (obviously I moved as fast as possible so to not raise any red flags at the dinner table! A girl---pooping---on a date?! At 16, that was the LAST thing I wanted advertised!) I washed my hands and went to unlock the bathroom door. I tried several times before it hit me. OH.MY.GOD. I was stuck in the bathroom. I pulled and pulled and the lock wouldn't budge. The panic set in as I contemplated climbing out the window and running home as fast as I could. I then realized that the bathroom was on the 2nd floor, and I had no other choice...
I started pounding on the door and screaming for help, hoping that I was making enough noise to attract the attention of his family. Sure enough, after 30 seconds of freaking out, I heard his family coming up the steps. His.Entire.Family.
"Are you ok?"...
"What's going on in there?!"...
"Are you stuck?!"...
I heard the concerned questions from the other side of the door as Blake's dad went to grab some tools. That's right, his dad had to take the door off of the hinges to get me out!! And you know what happened when the door finally came off? The smell that had been safely trapped in the bathroom with me emerged into the hallway at lightning speed, hitting Blake, 6 siblings and 2 parents smack dab in the face. Seriously, I wanted to melt into the floor.
So let's recap:
*My stomach sucks
*Blake’s entire family had to experience a terribly unfortunate odor on Date #1
*The door had to be taken off the hinges
*I make a terrible impression the first time I meet families
*In the 2 years that we dated following this event, I never again locked the bathroom door
Luckily, with age comes less concern about what other people think about you. My hubby knew about my stomach problems long before we were even dating, and I haven’t been embarrassed about it in years! My 16-year-old self? Different story…
Stop by tomorrow for my favorite summer things and then Friday for some of my favorite Pinterest funnies! Also, be sure to check out Juliette, Allie & Faith's pages for some more embarrassing stories and a link up!

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