Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 11...What the?!? Funnies on Pinterest

Day 11...What the?!? Funnies on Pinterest

Welcome to Day 11 of the 31 day challenge!!! I hope you have been enjoying my embarrassing stories, guilty pleasures an things that make me smile. Today's post is about funny things found on Pinterest. Until today I didn't even know that there was a "humor" section on Pinterest, but thanks to this wonderful challenge, I will be checking it out more often!! Here are some of the funniest things I found while browsing through...

Seriously, pet shaming is hilarious...I haven't come up with a good one for our fur-baby yet...

Oh to be a mermaid..

 Aside from pet shaming, auto correct fails are my favorite thing to look up...omg some of them are amazing!

I seriously don't even know what this is...

I had to look like 10 times before I believed that it was only her arm!!

Stop by tomorrow to find out the 5 people that I would love to have dinner with!


Linked With:
That Friday Blog Hop
Sincerely Paula
High Five for Friday

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