Day 22...Things that make you go hmmmmmm....
Ok so first I want to start by saying that there is some
commercial out there that plays that song---things that make you go mmmmm!! The hubs and I were trying to
figure it out last night and the only thing we could come up with was
Campbell’s. After Googling today it appears to be McDonalds, Dominos or
Campbell’s. Either way, I have been singing it in my head for 12 straight
hours. So thank you for that.
Starting with an absolutely crazy picture that my sister
sent me, I am going to share with you some things that make me go “Hmmmmmmmmm.”
This guy, that thinks he is a lizard...or a dragon...can't be sure
The fact that people will be willing to stand in line for an
hour or more (myself included) to get on a roller coaster, but we get pissed
off if the drive thru takes 5 minutes.
That people would pay thousands of dollars, train for months
and risk their lives in subzero temps to climb to the top of Mount
Everest. I’m good with my warm, safe
& free ground, thanks.
This lady, who thought it would be a good idea to dress up
like her dog:
Thinking about the universe stretching infinitely, forever
and ever. I can’t even wrap my head around the thought of infinite, and it
freaks me the hell out to think that there is no end—that the darkness and
stars and planets and lord knows what else could go on forever.
Sink holes. Like, imagine walking down the street, minding
your own business and then BAM!! You are sucked into a 40 foot hole, soon to be
covered by cement and cars and anything else that happens to be around you. And
the worst part is that it could literally happen right now, right where you are
sitting. That’s right, I’m talking to you!
This guy, who enjoys pretending to be a baby…true story…
Ok so I’m about to get totally morbid here, but I wonder
what it’s like when you die. Do you think it is all lilies and rainbows and
parties with your loved ones? Or are we talking more walking through walls and
freaking out your widowed hubs? Obviously there is the 3rd, least
desirable possibility of absolutely nothing happening, but will we ever really
know the answer??
That some people will not fart in front of their husbands.
Yes, I said fart on my blog. And I’m about to say it again—everybody farts…supermodels,
actors, the president…so why do some people feel like farting is this awful
taboo thing?! Look, I’m not saying to let one rip on your boss’s desk, but it’s
your hubs for crying out loud!! Be loud and proud!
And finally this lady, who must have missed the “No Pets
Allowed” memo at the state fair.
Be sure to tune in tomorrow to see what I am currently doing with my day, and then check back Thursday to see what life was like way back when I was a fat little baby!

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