Time to find out about my current situation. What I'm reading, writing, etc etc etc. I don't think I have ever done one of these lists before, so it should be fun!!
Reading...I am actually not currently reading anything...the next book on my list is "The Fault in Our Stars," which I am super excited about!!
Writing...This blog post, duh :)
Listening...To my loud ass air conditioner in the hallway...Also TWD on Netflix
Thinking...That I am super excited about finishing the Rustic guest bedroom..it turned out awesome!
Smelling...my delicious new candle from Bath and Body Works...It's called Ocean Driftwood and I swear it smells like you are walking into Hollister. It is ah-mazinnnngggg!!!
Wishing...That I owned these amazing shoes I saw on IG earlier
Hoping...That I win Publisher's Clearing House....$5,000 a week for EVER...Like, forever-ever
Wearing...My new cozy Aztec print leggings from Rue 21...my collection is growing by the day!
Wanting...Something to eat...something to drink...(Not wanting...to get off the couch and make anything #lazygirlproblems)
Loving...My hubs <3 The fact that our cruise is soooooo close!!!! Andddd the fact that we have less than 3 months until the return of TWD!!!
Needing...To get a blanket because it's freezing in my house, to start getting everything together for the cruise, and to overcome my laziness to go make some food.
Wanna know how cute I was as a baby?? Or how about what was happening in this crazy place the year I was born? Check back tomorrow!!
P.S.....By the end of this post, I may or may not have made myself the most amazing bowl of ice cream known to man...sure did

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