Day 13 already!?! I can't believe the challenge is almost halfway
over--and I REALLY can't believe that I have stuck around the whole time! ::up
high:: Today's topic is the one thing that I can't live without...ummm,
seriously, I have to pick just ONE!?!? Since I am not allowed to use people or
pets (we can just assume that I can't live without them) I really had to dig
deep to think about what I would have the hardest time living without...A few
Redbull...It sucks not having my daily caffeine but could I live
without it? I'd be tired and miserable but sure, I could live without it.
Tampons...I don't know about you, but tampons are super important to
me. I mean c'mon they save me from wearing the dreaded pad and they fit in that
tiny useless pocket on your jeans. But if I HAD to, I guess I could shove some
TP in there and deal without them.
Chapstick...ok, so this was the hardest for me to admit that I could
live without (and if the hubs is reading this right now, I should be expecting
a told ya so text anytime). I am absolutely 150% addicted to chapstick. Like,
more than caffeine. I reapply it like 450 times a day, and as soon as my lips
get dry I start freaking out. Seriously guys, it's really bad. Buttttt, I guess
if there was a gun to my head and I had to choose between keeping the beloved
chapstick or tossing it, I would consider throwing it away (ugh it hurts to
even say it).
Now that I've told you 3 things that I could live without if I
absolutely positively had to, I will tell you the one thing that would be the
hardest to live without. I know that this will seem like the least thought out
and most obvious answer, but sometimes that is the most truthful one. This item
has been there for me in hard times (like when my car battery died every day
for 2 weeks and I had to call the hubs to come get me), it has gotten me
through many a boring, rainy night (candy crush anyone) and it has solved more
of life's mysteries than I can count (omg I think I would cry if Google went
away). The number one thing that I could not live without it.....
**My cell phone**
Think about it for a minute....
Ran out of gas on the side of the road?? Pick up your cell phone and
call for help. (Although I'm sure MacGyver could use the tube of chapstick and
the tampon and create his own fuel..)
Sitting in the doctor's office waiting room for 3 hours?? Seems like a
good time to catch up on Season 3 of The Walking Dead on Netflix.
You know how when you are driving down the interstate and you see a rainbow/thunder cloud/water spout in the distance..damn, if only I had a camera handy...oh, wait, I do!
Can't remember the name of that girl with the brown hair who was in
that movie with the tall guy? You know the one, with the dog and the blue car? to the rescue!
Hard day at work? Feel like sinking down in the tub and crying over Adele radio on Pandora? There's an app for that...
Sitting at Olive Garden with 7 friends and need to split the bill
evenly, then figure out tip? Unless one of your friends is a closet rain main,
I'd be reaching for my calculator right now.
On the way to get a haircut, but first....#lemmetakeaselfie
OMG it's Friday night and you are reminiscing about that
party/wedding/baby shower/drunken night that happened umpteen years ago.
Luckily, you posted the pictures to FB and even more lucky, you can access it
in all of 3 seconds from your phone..
Driving to the next town over, you suddenly realize that you turned
right when you should have turned left, and now you are in a boondock town with
tumbleweeds rolling by. Considering you left your map in 7th grade and you were
too cheap to buy that $250 gps, you're pretty much screwed. Oh wait...
And the most basic thing---need to call and order a pizza? How about
check your bank account balance? Let your hubby know that you will be late
because they were having a sale at Rue21? Pick up that cell phone!
I'm interested to see how many people will choose this as their one
thing. Obviously there are a million things that I wouldn't want to live
without, but I fell like my cell phone would be the hardest to give up. How did
people do in the 80's and 90's without phones?!!
Tomorrow I will be answering some questions that have been provided by
the hosts of this lovely challenge, Juliette, Faith & Allie. Make sure you
stop back---there are some interesting questions on there!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!!

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