Happy Friday!!!!
Today I get to tell you about 5 of my current favorites!!
Even better is that I get to read about all of your favorites and hopefully
find some awesome new stuff! If you are just tuning in, or if you just drank
too much wine last night and need a refresher, I am taking part in the 31 days
of blogging challenge hosted by Juliette, Faith & Allie. Today's topic is
about five of my current favorites---music, makeup, clothes, anything goes.
Ohhhh and today’s post makes POST # 100 for me!!! So
1. This bikini: Target
Seriously guys, Target is stepping up their game this
year--big time! I was in there the other day and had 5 bathing suits in my
cart. And I LOVED 4 out of the 5!! I settled for 2, the one pictured above and
a mint green lace-up one...LOVE them!! Side note--has anyone else noticed how
huge my boobs look in this picture? Seriously guys, I'm like a small 32B...this
top works wonders!
2. This lip stain: Revlon Colorstay Moisture Balm
So I was completely suckered into buying this at Walgreen's
the other day. I was buying hair dye and gel polish strips, so clearly I had
the beauty products going on. The cashier smiled with her devious little grin
and assured me that I would love this lip stain! And it came with a free bag of
goodies (Hello?!?! Free---that's my kind of goody bag!) and my name would be
entered in some monthly drawing for a free something-or-other. Turns out, it
goes on super smooth and glossy but then blends right into your lips. There is
zero stickiness (which is amazing because I refuse to wear gloss that is
sticky!) and the color lasts for quite some time.
3. This amazing news: The Best of Me!!
So I am a total Nicholas Sparks freak. I love his books and
can tear through them in like one day. A few months ago I read "The Best
of Me" and fell absolutely in love with it. Well, the other day whilst
perusing through Flixster to see some upcoming movies, I discovered that the
movie will be released on October 17th!! I didn't even know they were making it
into a movie! If you have not read any of his novels that were made into movies
(The Notebook, Nights in Rodanthe, A Walk to Remember, The Lucky One, Safe
Haven, Dear John, The Last Song, Message in a Bottle....), I suggest you read
them!! If you loved the movie you will LOVE LOVE LOVE the books!!
4. This vacation: Cruise # 2
Our cruise date is officially under 50 days!!! Obviously I
can't tell you the exact dates (duh, then you would clearly come to my house
when I wasn't there and raid my DVD/BluRay/Book collection...) but it is coming
up so soon!!! In just a few short weeks we will be cruising the Caribbean for 7
days, stopping at 3 beautiful along the way!! Once we are less than a month away
from something really big (our wedding, a cruise...) I start emailing the hubs
pictures of street signs, sports jerseys and anything else I can find that has
our number of days left. (I sent him Kobe's jersey when we had 24 days left til
our wedding and McNabb's jersey when we were 5 days from our cruise last year!)
Let the countdown begin!!!
5. This guy: My love
On Monday we celebrated our 2 year engagementiversary
(whatever, it's a word)!! I can not believe that it was 2 years ago that he got
down on his knee and asked be to be Mrs. Keen!!! That was the most amazing
wonderful exciting day of my life (up to that point of course)! We started out
as coworkers, which quickly turned into friends, and eventually best friends.
That day 2 years ago was the turning point for both of us, turning best friends
into a married couple! I know having my hubs on the list is kind of a cheating
answer because I love him every day, but whatever. He deserves it :)
Tomorrow I will be switching places with someone...wonder who it could be!!

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