The 3 lovely ladies that I have picked as my favorites are blogs that I have been following for quite some time now. Long before I started blogging, I was such a blog stalker! I would follow along and read stories but would never comment...Obviously that changed once I started blogging myself, and now I LOVE sharing comments!! Anyway, back then there were 3 blogs that I checked on an almost daily basis, and still do to this day! The 3 ladies that I am going to introduce you to today played a huge part in wanting to start a blog myself. Go on over and check them out--I dare you not to get hooked!!
1. Tori @ Fashion Bling and Other Girly Things
This lady is one hot fashionista who is obsessed with anything glittery and blingy (a woman of my own heart)! Her eclectic sense of style and unique decorating taste remind me so much of myself. I swear, from the first time I clicked on her page I told my hubs that if Tori and I lived in the same town we would be BEST FRIENDS--she is that awesome! Between both working in banking, our love for neon colors and getting up to pee 100 times a night, she has officially become my soul sister! Head on over and see what I'm talking about!!
2. Tisse @ Tisses Pieces
This little mama lives on a dirt road with her high school sweetheart. She is raising one of the most adorable little girls named Navi, and she is the proud mama to whole bunch of fur-babies. I came across her blog about a year ago while browsing through bedroom (ok fine, nursery) color inspiration ideas. Her positive outlook drew me right in, and the amazing stories that she shares keep me coming back. Not convinced yet? How many people do you know that have annual parties dedicated solely to picking up dog poop, and then weighing it to see who has collected the most? This gal does. And don't forget to check out her amazing Etsy store, RadEarthSupplyCo!
3. Jae @ How Not to Dress Like a Mom
Jae is a perfect combination of the 2 ladies above. She has an amazing sense of style (seriously---she introduced me to the boots + high socks + skinnies wayyy before it was even a 'thing') AND she has 2 awesome kids on top of that. OMG and did I mention she is hilarious?! Seriously, this gal is awesome! Make sure to tune in everyday, especially on Friday's! Jae hosts "Freaky Friday," which is literally just a really nicer way of saying "Terrible fashion that we can all talk about and make fun of." Hilarious!
I hope you all head over and check out these amazing ladies! You won't be disappointed, I promise!!
How about you? Who are your favorite ladies and why?

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