Day 25...Must have apps...can't live without 'em...
Today’s topic is doubly awesome!! First of all, I get to
share with everyone all of the apps that I use on a daily basis, and 2, I get
to find awesome new apps by reading other people’s posts! Win win!
Before I get into the apps that I can’t live without, I am
going to start out by saying that I don’t need any apps to remember that today
is my baby sister’s birthday!! She is the big 2-6 today!!! She is officially in
her late 20’s, which means that I am officially 13 months away from being 30…which
means that we are old, and that sucks big time. So happy birthday to my
favorite rolling rock of destruction, here’s to lots of wrinkles and saggy
To begin, here is a picture of my home screen. I’m pretty much
as anal retentive OCD as they come, so of course everything is neatly organized
into categories. ((Little tidbit of info...The pic on my home screen is a few months ago when our poor little town flooded and we went to the river to take some snapshots.))
In no particular order, here are some of my must have apps:
Social Media Apps:
I’m pretty sure
everyone reading this uses one or all of these apps on a daily basis, so there
is really no need for a long explanation for each. Pretty much, they are all
awesome and everyone needs to download them like, yesterday.
*Blogger *Instagram
*Facebook *Pinterest

2. Music Apps
*Pandora—create your
own music channels based on an artist, a genre, a song name, etc…I literally
have this open every single day of my life.
*Shazam—you know how
when you are sitting in a store and you hear an awesome song on the radio but
you don’t know the name or the artist? Open this app, hold your phone near the
music and Voila! Within a few seconds you have the artist, song name album, etc…If
you are anything like me this will save hours of obsessing trying to figure it
*YouTube—again, this
one is kind of a no brainer. Looking for a video of pretty much anything?
YouTube probably has it.
3. TV/Movie Apps
is the “Internet Movie Database,” and it is the best creation in the whole
world, like ever. Look up any actor/actress and instantly know every other
movie that they were ever in. Need to know who played the main character in
“Wild Hearts Can’t Be Broken? (It was Gabrielle Anwar, btw)…pull up this app
and instantly find out. It is an absolute lifesaver!
app is basically a movie theater guide. It tells you which movies are playing
at any theater, gives you ratings for each one and lets you watch trailers.
Also, it tells you all of the upcoming movies so you can look forward to
Paranormal Activity 5 or The Best of Me!
this uses like obscene amounts of data, it also gets you through a hell of a
boring day. Pull this up and watch movies instantly, just like you were home on
your couch. A definite must have.
4. Games
*Magic Piano—Ok so I
am completely hooked on this game. Not even joking, the first thing I do when I
get home from work every day is sit down and play my free song of the day, then
complete the daily challenge. It’s basically just a piano on your phone where
you have to touch the screen when the light gets to the bottom..Pretty simple
concept but super addictive!!
*Bloons Tower Defense
Battles—This can be played as either a single player game (against other people
in the world) or a competition game (with your hubs)…you set up your monkeys
all around the board, upgrading towers and collecting bananas and sending out
this huge blimp called the “Mother of all Bloons.” I know, awful
description---but I’ve been playing all of the versions of Bloons for 10+
years, so this is another must have for me. I HIGHLY recommend downloading it.
*94 Seconds—This game
is a really fun, really fast paced game—and its even more fun when you are a
few drinks in. You are given a letter of the alphabet and a category, and you
have to think of something that fits (for example….Fruit that starts with “C”….Cantaloupe…Clementine…Country that starts with "B"...Bolivia, Brazil...).
You only have 94 seconds to come up with as many answers as you can, and each
question is a different letter. It gets intense lemme-tell-ya.
5. Shopping
These apps are all used for coupons. Walk
into a store, look up the name and BAM...All of the coupons and sales they are
currently offering! Sometimes you don’t even have to look up the store!! You
walk into a mall and the sales just pop up! 95% of stores will honor the
coupons, so why not save yourself some money!!
6. Random apps that don't fit any other category
*Timehop—Sync this bad
boy up with your facebook, instagram, etc and it is like a walk down memory
lane. Every day you can see what you did on that day a year ago, 2 years, 3
years…it is so funny to see the difference in what you were doing and where you
were back then.
*MyRadar—Since we live
in Florida and it rains like 14 times a day, I am always pulling up the MyRadar
app. It will literally pinpoint exactly where the storm is, down to the mile.
It also breaks the storm down by color so you can see if the rain will be a
light mist or a torrential downpour.
*Police Scanner—I
admit, I am THAT neighbor that will come outside and pretend to walk to the dog
or take out the trash if there is a cop on my street, I am also THAT neighbor
that taps into my county’s police scanner with this spiffy little app. To be
honest, I am not 100% sure if that is legal, but since I got it on the app
store we will just assume that it is…moving right along…
*Bleacher Report—This
app will mean nothing to you if you are not a sports fan. You can pick your
favorite team and it will alert you of any news, scores and anything else
pertaining to the team. Pretty
7. And of course, the app I use more than anything in the world...
Hopefully you were able to find some new must have apps of your own. And I would LOVEEE to hear about some of your in the comments!!!!