Ok so I know I haven't posted an outfit in forever, and I am the worst fashion blogger ever!! But let me explain...
1. The weather here has been absolutely ridiculous. Between 26 inches of rain and gross humid overcast, I have been leaving the house in less than blog-worthy attire. It is supposed to be in the high 80's this week so I may actually get dressed in normal clothes!
2. For the past week, we have been draining, scrubbing and filling our pool. I almost considered taking a picture last week to show you all how nasty it was, but then quickly decided that it was entirely too green. So instead we decided to empty it, pouring another 10 inches of water in our backyard. I'm sure you can imagine the outfits I was wearing to scrub the pool....
3. I have been hard-core working on my rustic room decor!! The headboard is finished (designed, assembled, stained and ready to go!), 2 random glass-bottle signs are done and the 1st of 2 string art projects is nearing the end. I have been a busy bee...a busy bee in sweatpants and a tee-shirt...neither of which are acceptable outfits.
So you see, I have several reasons why I have been the worst fashion blogger in the world as of late. But I swear I will change that!!!
In other happenings, this weekend I finally got to see "The Other Woman" with the hubs! I have been waiting to see that movie for like 3 months!! I LOVE me a good chick flick, and lucky for me, the hubby is amazing and enjoys them right along with me!! The movie was awesome--Leslie Mann is hilarious and perfectly portrays what happens after you get married and get comfortable with your husband. Throw in Cameron Diaz (with her fantastic wardrobe) and Kate Upton's boobs and you have yourself a great movie!
Speaking of movies, while watching the previews for "The Other Woman" we saw the trailer for "The Fault in Our Stars." OMG seriously I have to read the book ASAP! I have been meaning to read it, mainly because I am super excited for the movie to come out and also because I am a huge book nerd, but now its crunch time! The movie comes out in like a month, and I have yet to pick up the book!! I am really weird about that--if there is a movie coming out that I am dying to see, and it is based on a book, I will always read the book first, then compare it to the movie (its no comparison, the book ALWAYS wins). I am also such a sucker for a sappy book, so this one is on the top of my list!
Not much else going on around here. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!!
Link Ups:
Manic Monday , Funday Monday

The weather makes it almost impossible to get good pictures sometimes! I feel your pain, haha!
Ughh I know, it can be so frustrating!! And you can only take so many pictures in your bedroom!!!
Ha ha, I can completely relate to this post. Sometimes getting dressed up for photos is the LAST thing you feel like and the pull of sweatpants is just too strong :)
I love sweatpants entirely too much. I feel like there is nothing better at the end of the day than sweats, slippers and snuggling on the couch!!