Excuse my excitement but I am thrilled that Monday is over!! I.despise.mondays. With a passion.
So, this weekend was one of those weekends that you get SO much accomplished, and then you are sore for like 5 days afterwards. Friday night we went to Lowe's to pick up some mulch for the garden. Saturday morning
was Florida's annual "Flea Across Florida," a huge flea market that stretches from one end of Florida to the other, so of course we had to make an appearance! I am so glad that we decided to go because I was able to score some FABULOUS deals! I picked up a
retro looking lamp with a fiberglass shade for 5 dollas! (If you know me, you know that I won't pay anything higher than $5 at a yard sale/flea market/thrift store, so you can imagine my excitement!) I also scored some antique looking sconces that hang from
the ceiling with shades made from what I believe to be pig skin for $1.50 each (score!). On top of that I found a fancy-schmancy gaudy gold & pearl ring for a dollar and a rustic looking clock made out of a tree trunk. I also bought a gingerbread house tissue-box
holder made out of plastic needlepoint--hear me out. There was a frail old woman with a table full of items like this--ornaments, coasters, a dominos set--it was freaking adorable. While we were talking to her she was describing her battle with disc replacement
surgery and radiation, and my heart literally shattered into a million pieces. Not only am I a complete sucker (seriously, I bought a $3,000 vacuum from a door to door salesman..hello???) but I also have the biggest soft spot for senior citizens. Like, I would
literally carry groceries in the pouring rain if it meant that an 80 year old woman would stay warm and dry. Long story short, we are now the proud owners of a gingerbread tissue box holder, and I will be damn proud to display it every year!!
After the flea market festivities, it was back to the house for some gardening fun. The hubby and I look forward to this every year! We bitch and complain about how terrible our garden looks in the winter and
literally run to the store as soon as spring hits so we can buy new mulch. We normally fill the garden beds with mulch and leave it as is, but this year we decided that we needed some extra flair. Ok, I decided that we needed some extra flair, and my husband
is a saint for putting up with me and agreeing to my crazy ideas. I saw some ideas online for individual staggered pickets going around the whole garden, but being that the pre-cut ones are ridiculously expensive, we decided to do it ourselves. Luckily, we
live in a brand new subdivision where they are constantly building houses, so there is always spare wood laying around. Off we went in the truck and were able to scoop up a bundle of 1x4's (no, we didn't steal them, the builder gave them to us...scout's honor).
Some cutting here and some hammering there, and 5 hours later the garden looked phenomenal! The best part? It was FREE!! Here is a little peak at our hard work:
On Sunday we had a cookout for both sides of the family. If I haven't mentioned before, we have a BIG family, and it is always so nice when we can all get together! It is so rare that we get to see all of our
nieces and nephews together in one spot (aside from our little munchkin in Kentucky), so whenever we can, we take advantage of it! And who doesn’t love a ton of food?!?
Since this weekend was crazy busy, I had zero time to take an outfit picture. Ok, if I am being honest, I had zero time to even put makeup on this weekend, so the outfit post will have to wait for another day.
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!!

I can't believe you did that all on your own--it look ahmazing :) I LOVE new mulch in the spring it just makes everything in the whole yard look better!
Thank you darling!!!! We worked out asses off all day!!!! New mulch is an absolute MUST every year!!!