Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring has sprung!!!!!

Happy Spring!!! I am so excited that spring is FINALLY here!!! This winter was entirely too cold and I am way over it. I am tired of seeing frost on my windshield, tired of being wrapped in a blanket just to sit by the fire pit, and SUPER tired of having to grab a jacket or sweater EVERYDAY. Trust me, by the time September rolls around, I'll be the first one to admit my excitement about pulling out the boots and cozy sweaters, but for now, I am done with the cold! I'm ready for tanks and flip flops, beaches, tan skin and working in the garden.
To help get everyone ready for spring, I decided to share a few of my favorite items with you. Feel free to use this as a guide, especially if you are stuck in a "boots-with-skinnies-because-that’s what’s-in-my-closet” rut. (Not that there is anything wrong with boots and skinnies---I have more than wore them out this winter!!)
Maxis Dresses: Maxis are my absolute 100% favorite item for the spring (and the summer..and the fall). They can be paired with a cardi for chilly nights, dressed up with some wedges, or dressed down with some flip flops and chunky jewelry. Here are a few of my faves: 

Maxi Skirts: Maxi skirts are right up there with maxi dresses for me. Like dresses, they can be paired with a blazer and wedges for a night out, or you can throw on a tank and some flats for a quick errand. I like to buy mine super long because they ALWAYS seem to shrink, and then I can’t wear them with heels. Here are some that I am loving right now:


Denim Jackets/Vests: I bought a denim jacket last year (which has polka dots and is from the kids department at Target—and I love it dearly) but I have been looking around for another one. During my most recent shopping trip I was able to find 2 denim vests and another denim jacket, and I am LOVING them! They look great over a maxi dress or paired with skinnies and a tank.

Feathers & Dream Catchers: I am loving the look of long dangly feathers and bold aztec-y (it's a word) dream catchers. Here are a few that I was able to find:

Everything that I showed you may or may not have come from Rue 21 (it sure did) and I may or may not own everything on the page (except the accessories…yet). I was going to include a link for where to find each one, but I figured you could peruse through the site and find some other good deals while you are on there.

I hope I was able to provide some good ideas for some warm weather wear, and I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!!

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