Cruise part 2...picture overload
I literally have no explanation for my extreme procrastination with this post. I pack for vacations a week before we leave, I have checklists for my checklists to make sure I am on top of everything, and we decorated our house last year for Christmas in September...seriously, September. We went on our cruise 6 weeks ago, and the only pictures that you got to see were the few that I took on my cell phone before we lost service for 7 days. Since it is getting chilly outside and I am already dreaming of our next tropical vacay, I figured what better time than now to share the pictures, right? Realistically I am waiting for The Walking Dead to come on and need to pass 30 minutes...either way, you get to enjoy the most beautiful sunset, the bluest water you've ever seen and my sexy hubby...FYI--you are about to enter picture've been warned....
Here is a shot of our boat, the Carnival Dream...omg it was beautiful!
We cruised out of NOLA and were on the water for 2 and a half days before we got to did we pass the time you ask? Drinking, gambling and taking a billion pictures of course
The wind worked wonders for my hair...obviously
There was a ton of seaweed on the way down
I am obsessed with the towel animals
Seriously, if you have never cruised before, you have no idea how amazing it is to lay in the sun in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico...perfection
What started out as my hubs feeling bad for a little kid who wanted to play ball, turned into 5 kids + the it!
We took FULL advantage of the free room service...every day
The most beautiful sunsets you will ever see
Mahogany Bay, Honduras
How beautiful is that view!!!
The Mongolian Wok...hands down the best food on the cruise...not even gonna lie, the cruise is worth the money for this bowl alone
I love how they do the turn down service every night!!
Getting ready to head to Belize...when you dock in Belize the boat parks 5 miles away from the island..Thennnnnn you have to get on the boat ride from-h-e-double hockey stick for 20 minutes...I swear I thought we were going to be taken captive..
Welcome to Belize!!! Ok so I'm going to be completely honest with you (because, why the hell wouldn't I be) and say that I was bored of Belize after like 5 minutes. And there are gates right behind me that say "No Passenger Access" of them was open and we could see into the streets behind us....and ohmygod it was scary
Remember the boat ride I mentioned above...this was the boat....
The crazy pilot boat that butts up to the ship to let the pilot jump off and on...all of this while moving 10 knots...
...but first...lemme take a selfie....
love him!!!!
Towel folding contest on the deck...they were amazing!!!
Cozumel was our favorite port again..lots of shopping and the most amazingly blue water in existence.
This store actually sold drugs and deli...prescriptions and sandwiches..had to take a picture, because obviously
And just for good measure I'll show you a picture of the time I thought our boat caught on fire and the other time when the quarterback was macking on the skanky teenage girl below our balcony
And there you have it folks, an entire week summed up in 70 or so pictures. I know that there were wayyyyy too many pictures so if you made it to the end, bravo. And now I'm off to plan my next vacation because it's Sunday and I hate Mondays.

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