Hey ladies! I know I have been completely absent from these parts for awhile but I swear, I have good reason(s).
Ok, so as you know from reading my last few posts, we went on our cruise last week!! 7 days of sunshine, amazing food and tropical islands. It was amazing and beautiful and oh so relaxing, and I can't believe it's over. I would love to say that I was so incredibly relaxed that I couldn't bring myself to write a post. Or that I was still cruising down the Gulf of Mexico after extending my vacation to two weeks. Sadly, this isn't the case. Here's the real scoop from the last few days.
Sunday morning--We were all but pushing people out of the way to get off of the boat. We had an INCREDIBLE time on the cruise, but let's face it...when a vacation is over, it's over...no need to linger in the halls or fart around for 3 hours on the boat. Just move your ass and quickly disembark. After standing in line with 4,000 other people, swiping your ship card and showing your passport 20 times and then dragging through customs, its harder to get off the damn boat than it is to get on! After what seems like forever, we were finally on solid ground with a 3 hour car ride home..
Sunday afternoon--What better way to welcome us home than with an insane thunderstorm. Lightning striking the bottom of our street, thunder that shook the house, torrential rain...you know, a usual occurrence for good ol' Florida. We were slowly coming to the realization that A) Vacation was officially over and B)We had to go back to work the next day...ugh welcome home..
Sunday night--Yes, this is still the same day guys. After finally plopping down on the couch for a little R&R (which by the way, I am not entirely sure what this means...rest & relaxation is my best guess..), we discovered 3 things.
1st: We had no internet. Our modem just stopped working. Awesome, right?
2nd: While we were away on our exotic vacation, some sweet little sugar ants decided to take up residence in our kitchen...After using our awesome detective skills, we located the source of the little bastards. A 3 foots by 3 foot (not even joking guys) ant hill out back. If you are not from around these parts, that seems completely unheard of. Unfortunately we are all too familiar with huge hills down here. To the store we went to buy every spray/pesticide/trap imaginable. One hour, a gallon of bleach and 50 clouds of toxic fumes later and I think we got 'em.
3rd: Not only did some critters get into our kitchen, but our fur-baby apparently looked mighty tasty to some fleas! Poop guy, he was so itchy!!! Luckily, the hubs found some kick ass flea shampoo and he is good as new!
Monday was boring...
Tuesday was AH-MAZING---hellooooo, SoA????? Welcome back Mista Teller, I've missed you this past week!
Wednesday and yesterday have been spent counting down until the weekend.
And that brings us to today's post...I know what you guys are thinking...she goes MIA for 2 weeks and THIS is what we get as her first post back?!? Wellllll since my internet is still down I am forced to post this from the confines of my desk at work, and it would be a huge security breach if I plugged up my good old memory card to upload pictures. So you will jsut have to wait until next week to see the beautiful ship and everything that came with it.
So glad to be back in the blogging world!!!!

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