Being left handed is pretty awesome. We are more unique than most, we use the right side of our brain, allowing for us to be more creative, and we tend to be more beautiful than right handers (ok so I made that last one up...whatever). As unique and free spirited as we may be, there are
1. Writing with a pencil is the WORST...
2. Go ahead and find the lefty desk..I dare you...grade school, high school, difference
3. Spiral notebooks? My worst enemy...
5. ALWAYS having to sit at the end of the table...otherwise you are faced with this...
6. I can't count how many papers I turned in looking EXACTLY like this...
7. The infamous question I get whenever someone catches me writing...
8. Watching people stare as you turn your paper to get ready to write...
Marky Mark...yum
Julia Roberts...
One of my faves, Morgan Freeman...
Mista pres himself...
One of my many girl crushes, ScarJo...
Miss Carrie Bradshaw herself...FYI, her hubs Matt Broderick is also a lefty.
I'm wishing all of my fellow 10 percenters a HAPPY LEFTIES DAY!!!! For the other 90% out there, go enjoy your spot in the middle of the table.

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